09 February, 2007

Session 16 - The Map the Players found

The map was some 10 feet x 8 feet in size, the party have now transcribed it onto a piece of canvas.
Session 16 had many traps, which the party were determined to see activated, narrow ledges are proving to be a bane with even the most dextrous falling from them.

Their struggles were not in vain as they have now gained a further 2 magical items, hard won and prized highly for it.

Players Map for Session 15

Somewhat belated addition, this session was played on 31/01/07.

The party providing much hilarity trying to traverse a pit full of snakes, a pit each of them seemed curious to plunge to the bottom.

Dire Wolves, Statues with glowing eyes were just some of the obstacles in their path.

The final room contained an important treasure, a huge old map of the region.