22 October, 2006

Curbag's Log
I'm getting better at avoiding these traps Rosia misses. I was only slightly singed by the flames from opening that door and Lightfoot can't be blamed for the ball of fire which was rolling towards me behind it. Turns out that all these flame devices were set by a lizardman druid and archer who were hiding in the room. We charged in to defend ourselves. Once they realised they'd chosen the wrong enemies they dropped their weapons and explained themselves.

Part of Longtail's retinue, their job was to guide him to some kind of portal. They also said Longtail was a wererat - think it might be best to kill all the rats we see. They now seemed happy to hole up in that room. We rested there for a night but while we explored on they stayed behind to hide.

We wanted to go on but leaving enemies to sneak up behind us would be dangerous. The group decided to go back to get the kobald band. Once there Rosia nogotiated a truce and they said they'd come with us to defeat the flying octopusses; dark mantles. Our "plan" was an ambush. I was sent in to draw them out. They weren't playing ball so I charged in to really give them something to think about. They set upon me squeezing my life away. Fortunately Oren and then the rest of my companions joined me. The ambush plan was over, the kobalds were nowhere in sight. It was a mighty fight but I always felt in control. One by one the mantles fell; even the kobalds turned up in the end.

We regrouped and explored on. Dark mantles seemed to inhabit all the surounding rooms. Some we left to hide in the darkness; Rosia jammed them in. Others, I decided to take on. Backing them into a corner I charged to attack. Meanwhile we were the subject of an ambush more successfully set by the dark mantles. While Rosia & Isaac defended themselves from behind I was being grappled by the two I'd cornered. Enveloped in tentacles I strained against their deadly grip. Fortunately my grip is deadlier. Squeezing right back I threw my arms open ripping the dark mantle in half. His friend wisely attempted to flee; wise but futile. My friends had turned the tables too. The remaining dark mantles disappeared into tunnels in the ceiling.
The kobalds, again nowhere to be seen during a fight, seemed confusd by our successful tactics.

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